About Microblading
Microblading eyebrows is a multi-step process.
The first appointment is where we lay in the shape, strokes, and main color. Microblading is an art, NOT a Science and no two sides of the face are the same. We will try to make the eyebrows as even looking as possible. your brows are not fully done after your first appointment.
The second appointment is a complimentary touchup is where we will correct missing strokes, gaps, color (if needed) and any shape issues. We need to see how the skin and pigment will heal. The complimentary touchup is valid only for new clients and 30-60 days of your initial procedure.
Microblading is not a permanent solution. Results vary based on skin type and your body’s healing process.
After the Procedure
Microblading post-care is very important to the appearance and longevity of your new eyebrows. Failure to follow after-care instructions may result in infection, pigment loss or discoloration. The entire healing process will take from 4-6 weeks depending on your body regeneration and age. Your new eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.
Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your procedure.
After 3-5 days, make sure your hands are completely clean and gently apply the post-care ointment with clean hands. This can be done once in the evening but be sure to use the ointment sparingly as your skin needs to heal itself. Please continue to apply the ointment for 7 days.
You may notice around day 7-10 that the brows may look a little spotty, mottled or uneven. Once the healing of the skin begins, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. However, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows. If these flakes come off when applying your cream over the 10 days, do not worry - those were ready to come off - just no picking! Most of the time the pigment will pop back in a week or so, and whatever doesn’t we will correct in the touchup.
Schedule your touchup appointment based on the advice of the artist.
Stay out of the sun, no retinols (Retina-A) or glycolic on the brows during or after the healing process, try not to sleep on your face for 10 days afterward (side sleeping is fine, just don’t face-plant on the pillow) and only touch them with just-washed hands.
Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, and/or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor.
Congratulations on your new, gorgeous brows. You have made it through the entire process and are now ready to rock your brows the moment you roll out of bed.
If you love your brows, please refer a friend!
Please note: Time exaggerated for humor. For emotions...not so much.